To understand the poet is not the point.

“Do you ever know what the birds are singing? You don’t. But you listen to them anyway.” – Pablo Picasso

About Cathy

Cathy Wittmeyer is not the poet-mother-engineer-lawyer-conservationist living in the Alps; she is the one experiencing life through the pen, hands, eyes, ears and heart of that body living on this speck of a planet. 

About Cathy

Cathy Wittmeyer is not the poet-mother-engineer-lawyer-conservationist living in the Alps; she is the one experiencing life through the pen, hands, eyes, ears and heart of that body living on this speck of a planet. 

Cathy’s Blog

It Was Time (to go back to Dublin)

It Was Time (to go back to Dublin)

I flew across the Atlantic for the first time in 2000 to run the Dublin Marathon on October 30th.2000.  I went again in 2011 with close friends from Pittsburgh, whom I met on that trip.  It was there, at an American Bar Association conference that a CLE seminar...

It Was Time (to get serious)

It Was Time (to get serious)

After 30 years of writing adorable sentimental poems for sad and happy occasions (or, more often, my desk drawer), my work and I needed a critical audience: an audience with no inhibitions about calling out a bad line-break or an all-too-easy ending.  It was time...