To understand the poet is not the point.

“Do you ever know what the birds are singing? You don’t. But you listen to them anyway.” – Pablo Picasso

About Cathy

Cathy Wittmeyer is not the poet-mother-engineer-lawyer-conservationist living in the Alps; she is the one experiencing life through the pen, hands, eyes, ears and heart of that body living on this speck of a planet. 

About Cathy

Cathy Wittmeyer is not the poet-mother-engineer-lawyer-conservationist living in the Alps; she is the one experiencing life through the pen, hands, eyes, ears and heart of that body living on this speck of a planet. 

Cathy’s Blog

That’s Life

No, I'm not crying because I'm waiting for my own spinal tap results. I don't cling to life that much. But I know he does. Most people I know have a Velcro-like attraction to life as if we didn't know this is all temporary. Maybe we didn't at first, not until that...

We Did It!  MFA.

We Did It! MFA.

On Thursday, June 11, Jaclyn Costik and I, defended our manuscripts, “And Otherwise Defective,” and “Kadenz,” respectively.  A few hours later, we held a virtual public reading. Well over 50 people attended the reading via Zoom and participated in the Q&A at...

Time to Revisit Pittsburgh

Compared to my first residency, I returned to Pittsburgh this time feeling more confident that I knew what I was doing. The agenda was packed and I was determined to get the most out of each day. Once A Mentor, Always A Mentor I got to work this semester in a very...