Our Book is Here at Last!!!

Our Book is Here at Last!!!

I found a bunch of big boxes on my doorstep! 500 copies of Eden Is a Backyard: New Climate Poems from Word to Action (Edition Eupolinos) are printed and ready to put in readers’ hands. The paper feels wonderful, the type face is beautiful and the cover art is just...
Negotiating What We All Get Out Of This

Negotiating What We All Get Out Of This

I started my workshop with the Economics, Leadership & Governance masters class at Universidad de Navarra with a premise: every morning starts as a negotiation between your present self and your future self (the past is just a reference point).  I was in the...
My Worlds Hovered Closely in 2023

My Worlds Hovered Closely in 2023

I’d say my worlds collided but that would imply some destruction and there was only growth. In 2023, my professional and writing worlds gently brushed past each other so that they not only overlapped in subject matter, but also people started showing up in both worlds...
Word to Action Contest Results

Word to Action Contest Results

Ten poems, read by 14 young poets, dazzled the packed Perspektiven Raum with brilliance and bravery. 14-year-old Grela Rabi’s as yet untitled poem that begins, “am boden kleben sie fest,“ was selected by our panel of three judges to win the 500 CHF gift certificate to...
Word to Action – POETRY CONTEST

Word to Action – POETRY CONTEST

How to enter this Poetry  Contest:  Write a poem in DE or EN on the  topic of Climate Action (SDG 13)  Submit to   wordtoaction2020@gmail.com for 1:1 feedback (optional)  Sign up for the contest   wordtoaction2020@gmail.com  Be at the contest on 17.September  2023 at...